Saturday, May 22, 2021

Danger, Will Robinson, It's 1977

Lost In Space robot from 1977

"Danger, Will Robinson!"

Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Battery-operated Lost in Space robot from 1977, Made in Hong Kong 

I am the original owner of this toy. Sadly, he no longer works, but I remember when he did. I never tried to glue the sticker back down for fear of doing damage. In my mind, he walked slowly, stopped, lit up, and made a noise. His arms are rather floppy and don't always stay up. The packaging is long gone. 
Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Lost in Space toy robot 1977

Lost in Space toy robot 1977
(C) 1977 Twentieth Century
Fox Film Corp.
All Rights Reserved
(C) 1977 Azrak-Hamway Intl.
Inc. New York.
Made in Hong Kong
AHI No. 6813

Lost in Space toy robot 1977
I wish he still worked. There's no corrosion or anything. I guess Dr. Smith pulled his power pack one too many.


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